Doctor Lo
A native of Hong Kong, Dr. Lo has been serving the Crofton/Bowie community since 1984 and in 2016 moved into Frederick Area. He graduated from the National College of Chiropractic in Lombard, IL in 1983. Dr. Lo is a member of The Maryland Chiropractic Association and The American Chiropractic Association. He is a diplomate of The American Academy of Pain Management, a fellow of The International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture and a fellow of The American Association of Integrative Medicine. He is currently the attending chiropractor for the Ballet Theater of Maryland and he was the attending chiropractor for the World's Greatest Athlete Decathlon Club in the 2004 Olympic Trial.
Over 35 years of his solo practice, he has received numerous proficiency certifications, including sports injuries, advanced activator methods, environmental stress management, low-level cold laser therapy, and an advanced certification in clinical nutrition.
In his spare time, Dr. Lo remains active in the community. He volunteers at his church and is a member of the Kiwanis Club and Chamber of Commerce. He enjoys swimming and playing pickleball at the local Frederick YMCA. On the weekends he goes hiking, camping, biking, skiing, and day trips. He has collected nearly 300 model ducks in the office that you must see to believe! He loves traveling and dreams of seeing the world.
It all began on December 16, 2006. It was the holiday season and our office was very hectic. I was busy treating patients, trying to close the books for the year end taxes and getting ready for two big Christmas parties at my house with 50-70 guests. I had no time for lunch and just grabbed a bit to eat from whatever patients brought in; mainly cookies and chocolates.
On that Tuesday afternoon around 4PM, I broke out in a cold sweat, felt shaky and experienced vertigo right in the middle of treating a patient. I ran to the bathroom throwing up and returned to finish treating the patient. This went on for about an hour and I finally could not do that anymore. We had to cancel all the patients in the next two hours and I asked my chiropractic assistant, Tony, to take my blood pressure. It was 190/165, my pulse was 90 and my temperature was normal.
He drove me to my family doctor who tried to stop my vertigo and vomiting with pills and shots, but with no success. The doctor finally gave me a shot to knock me out and he asked Tony to drive me home . The doctor tried very hard to help me out and had spent way over an hour past their closing time. I was thankful and appreciated that very much. They have been our family physicians since 1984 and we are lucky to have them because they are friendly and open-minded.
Just about a week before this, I had bragged about never missing a day of work because of illness or injuries. Now I had to miss two days in a row. For the next two months, I went through a healing journey with which some of you can identify. First, I saw a Neurologist who could not find anything wrong with me. My blood pressure was back to normal with no medication and my MRI, to rule out cancer or a stroke, was also normal.
Next, I visited an Ear/Nose/Throat specialist who found I had slight hearing loss in my left ear. All the blood work came back normal and he did not know what caused the vertigo. The next stop was the urologist. The PSA was slightly high, but the digital exam and biopsy was normal. A scheduled visit to the GI doctor and a colonoscopy revealed twelve polyps, but none of them were cancerous.
In the meantime, between medical doctor visits I was seeing three different chiropractic colleagues. They gave me a variety of treatments, including activator adjustment, manual manipulation, cold laser, nutrition and diet modification. While all medical testing could not find the cause of my vertigo, chiropractic evaluation revealed I had a virus in the ear, malfunctioning kidneys, parasites, adrenal fatigue, and multiple food allergies. All of these came from eating too much sugar and my stressed out body just could not handle it; resulting in an immune system breakdown, I did try acupuncture and some herbal remedies which did not help at all. While the cold laser helped to eliminate the symptom of vertigo, the diet change and nutrition support were the proper treatment for the root of the problem.
After two months of medical testing and alternative care, I lost ten pounds and felt about 80-90% better. I started playing tennis again, but had lost the stamina, quickness, and finesse. So I continued to search for a better answer and went through many seminars. Finally, I attended Dr. Ulan's Nutrition Response testing Seminar and found it to be what I needed. The program is simple, easy to follow, thorough and relatively inexpensive.
It allows me to pinpoint the cause of your problem with laser sharp accuracy and provide you with your personalized, specific nutrition solution. If five ladies come in with symptoms and diagnosis of Hypothyroidism, each one of them may have a different treatment program, it depends on the cause.
Since I have been on the Nutrition Response testing Program, I have regained my quickness and stamina on the tennis court. I started to win games and matches again. Like my opponents have said, "He is back!"